Member Questions 9-27-24

David C

Robert, I’ve had a very bad year and a half. I’ve been through six surgeries and just got home from 2 months in the hospital/rehab center. I had just bought a German Shepherd puppy. Now he’s almost 2 years old and I was wondering what type of training I can put him through to make him a very good dog. He has an excellent pedigree and the breeder is very good. So if you could help me and guide me to the proper way to train him. I did train him before I became in capacitated to the point to where I couldn’t. Thank you for your help and understanding.

Marian E

I work at a small shelter as the dog trainer, I’ve received my certificate in your course and I implement that education often. I wonder if you have any suggestions on how to reduce the stress/reactive barking when I have to move dogs through the kennels, or even walk through the kennels. All these dogs know me well, but I feel like there’s something more I could implement.


Last week you said keep moving to dissipate stress and anxiety(SO TRUE). 2.5 male has genetic nerves since young, we manage well outside house with movement and play. Need help inside home. Inside restricted on movement and not very many visitors where we live. I crate him but he lunges in crate barking at movement. Move crate to another room not as aggressive but still barks. Trainer said correct with e-collar I dont feel thats right. if he is out of crate growls-lunge & stiff. I grab scruff, lift up, no and press back. Right? Corrections in crate? any advice on how else to manage?

Geoffrey K

My 5 mo mal, when working on positions on place board, when going from stand to down, his upper body is going down but butt stays up in the air, like he is praying, and stays up. I will hold the lie between his feet and he just stays there. Odd thing is, this has just started. Up to yesterday bc he was doing pretty good with his positions.

Jenifer B

I live where there are always deer around that can’t be avoided. My 2yr Belgian Sheepdog gets very excited when she sees deer. I’ve been working through your leash, reactive, obedience videos and making progress. Is it reasonable to expect her to not react and walk quietly by the deer that jump out and surprise her? Should I work towards having her focus on me completely? I’m asking her to come and sit. she’s doing better but is still jumping around before obeying. My routine is to play ball/tug (she’s off leash with e-collar) and she focuses on me and won’t chase the deer, then a long walk.


I have a 2 year old malinois with medium drive when doing obedience. We’ll go through his obedience routine with intermittent play as a reward and all goes well. In some sessions he becomes distracted and I correct him using a prong collar which seems to flick on his drive switch. This amps him up and his obedience and becomes snappy, laser focused, and becomes a 10 in drive without further correction. Should I start my training with the “Are You Ready?” command followed by quick pops of the prong collar? I’m worried starting with leash pops will lead to an adverse behavior in the future.

Lina T

Hi Robert, TY for all that you do. My GSD, Harpo shows affection/love towards my friends except 1. He’s my handyman, George, who comes over consistently on a regular basis to help me around the house. While visiting, Harpo is ALWAYS skittish around him, not accepting pets nor treats. I’ve had her on a sit/stay next to me while George & I visit but I can feel her anxiety/ discomfort. She’s ok when they’re outside playing ball. George has known Harpo for 7yrs; she is a lot better but still jumpy. George is a giant and sweet to Harpo. Is it his size? He’s not loud but gentle. What is it? TY!


My beagle puppy (4m) started with a perfect sit (bringing her back forward). At some point, it changed and she moves her front legs back. I’m trying to correct her, but I can see her frustration as, in her view, she’s still doing the sit and she was rewarded in a v nice way before. My question is how can I correct this? I’m not sure my communication is clear enough for her to understand what exactly I want to change. What I’ve tried was to ask her to come closer to my legs before the sit and keep the treat in such a way that she has to do it properly, but at distance, it’s still not ok.


I have a 15 week old female Belgian Malinois, there are times where I am sitting on the couch and she randomly comes up to me and starts barking and growling. She will also sometimes jump on me and start biting, the bites increasingly become harder. Standing or telling her anything usually riles her up more and she tends to run away or jump on the couch continuing to bark and growl (I’ve tried to train to keep her off the couch with not much success). So when this happens I do try to put her in her cage but she gets in this mode and just wants to bark and try to bite me.

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