Jorge P
What do you mean by genetic testing? Breed-tests or test for some genetic marker of dog instability?
Jason S
My 1yo male Malinois is reactive to dogs. He is dominant, not aggressive. He obeys well until a dog appears. He can redirect his attention on me as long as the other dog is far away or doesn’t act playful. If a dog is too close, playful, or appears dominant, he will
react. He is reactive to the leash and I am trying to keep a loose leash until a blunt correction is needed, followed by command. Our current trainer wants to focus on obedience rather than treating the reactivity through exposure and corrections. What is the best way to approach this reactivity to get him more calm when in public?
Hi Robert, I am starting the conditioning phase of ecollar training and have a question regarding the eventual off leash use. In a situation such as hiking where the dog is off leash, on an e-collar, but not in a heel and has been given the freedom to sniff and roam
within a given range while we walk, what methods would you suggest to teach the dog to remain comfortably close without having to constantly bump the ecollar every time they get too invested in a smell, or are drifting to far. Is there a good method for helping to define a comfortable loose range for them to stay within as we move?
Leo W
There are times when I would like to be able to have my dog pee once or twice so we could enjoy the walk, or have more playtime. My 16 month old intact anxious Mal refuses to pee anywhere close to the house, and (unsure if related) won’t poop on our side of the street, though he used to. It’s getting frustrating because he’ll pee 10-15
times, and be whining again an hour later because he has to pee again (I don’t take him out for another hour or 2, but the whining is *excessive* and ignoring it only works for 10 minutes). I am trying my best not to get frustrated with/at him but it’s not easy
Hey Robert, I wanted to start by saying I was very sorry to hear about Goofy’s passing. We often hear about how other people change our lives but not often do we think of their dogs doing the same. Goofy was one of those dogs. Before my mal, Loki passed, your videos with Goofy were a huge part of our lives. One of my favorite pictures is of Loki watching the TV and imitating Goofy as you taught the “bang” trick. Just wanted to share that.
My question is what advice do you have/things to look for in a Mal breeder? I want to get a female to train/take on long runs and travel with. Thank you
Jonathan A
We recently moved homes and our daughter’s room is slightly smaller than the previous one so our 1 1/2 year old dogs crate doesn’t fit. Over time, our daughters been letting our dog sleep on the bed with her. I know some people believe that’s bad, I’m wondering what are your thoughts on it and if it’s better for us to get her back to sleeping in her crate?