Member Questions 2-15-25

Greg O

Hi Robert, I have a 2 year old intact GSD who has developed an irritating (to this point) habit of barking and jumping on my wife. He’s been doing this for about 2 months. I I was recently out of town for a week and my wife said he behaved like a gentleman while I was gone. When I am home he barks and jumps like I described for a couple minutes and then settles down and lays on the floor. I normally take care of 95% of my dog’s feeding, exercise, play and training, and he spends most of his day with me. Is this the same thing as with the Dutch Shepherd from Feb 1 AMA or is it protection issue?


Hi Robert,

In the last 10 days, my 4-year-old female Malinois has started playing chase games when recalled while Off-leash.  She returns but drops, pins her ears, and zooms around instead of recalling to front and letting me leash her. Her recall was solid before, and I’ve never tried to catch her. I stay neutral and reward when she recalls and is leashed, but she’s getting worse. Today, I put a 10′ drag line on her, and when she played keep-away, I stepped on it, letting her correct herself. I want to stop this ASAP—should I start e-collar conditioning, or do you have another suggestion?

Rob H

Hi! Your courses are a game-changer with our Malinois x GSD pup, thank you!

We rescued her from the shelter at 11 wks, and luring/shaping was initially going great. From the look game and recall to folding downs and following to heel, all was good… until about 14 weeks, when she stopped following the lure to down/heel, preferring to twist around and play tug with the hand.

She will still recall/sit/go to place with no issues on a verbal with distractions, but using the lure to train other positions seems impossible for now. Tried the ‘nose bump/easy’ etc to no avail. Any thoughts? Cheers!

Juan P

My dog was playing with my friends fine happy and after a while we where sitting on a table talking and one of my friends that was playing with her made a sudden move and my dog went straight to bite my friends leg My dog is a belgian malinois what type of training do I need for this or what can I do ?

Tommy A

Hello Robert and family. My malinois Mills are going to be 3.5 years old next summer she has become a very good dog for  my life style. When I am out hiking with the husky puppies I often tell her to down and recall her from about 300 yards down the road. This gets her very excited and can lead her to self rewarding by picking up a stick  and play. It’s not happening often. Would a ecollar used at low stim as an attention getter just when she is about to pick up the stick be a thing to try out? After proper introduction to the ecollar.


Hi, last time you asked me how to pronounce my name, here is a link to

a recording and thank you for caring 🙂 And a question. Regarding unwanted barking. My black and ten coonhound girl is very vocal, and at times it is highly inappropriate. I haven’t been able to put a stop barking command yet. How do I do that? Thank You 🙂


Hi, I volunteer at a shelter and am always trying to help people work with their dogs so they don’t end up with us. Someone asked on a post “I have a dog that destroys everything when I leave the house because she has bad anxiety. Does anyone have a large crate I can have so I can put her in it when I leave. What would you tell this person? Thank you

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