Courses and Lessons Update

When we first launched the new site with the completion system – I had labeled all lessons as courses to help better associate the fact that you can now track completions. After some feedback I realized this wasn’t the correct naming scheme so I changed Courses back to Lessons.

This also gave Robert and myself the ability to create Intro Courses for new members and members who just need a path on certain subject matters. With over 105 lessons at the time of this writing – it can be seriously overwhelming. Intro Courses aims to help remedy that.

So now on the bottom of the Lessons page and Members Homepage you will see 5 new Intro Courses which will be used help members start off on the right foot by showing them which videos to watch first.

Intro Courses at the time of this update

Intro courses are created by using existing member lessons – they are NOT brand new lessons and shouldn’t be treated as such.

An issue to be aware of – the lessons in the Intro Courses are existing member lessons that some of you might have already completed on your profile, unfortunately completing the lesson on the individual lesson does not show the lesson as completed within that specific course because the system treats each Course/Lesson as it’s own thing. But if you know you have completed that lesson before, you can simply mark it as completed quickly.

I’ll try to see if there is a way to fix this but I’m not sure the Course Software has the capability after talking with the developers who created it. They are looking at adding it in the future.

Real Members – Real Success


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