Hopefully you watched part one of this series where I helped Debra better understand the dynamics of her relationship with her Labrador retriever Murrow. We opened up communication and understanding and made the relationship a lot clearer.
Here, on day 2, we can focus on some more skills including socializing Murrow around other dogs. Luckily we had Chris and Nyssa who were just finishing a class with me. In the first part of the video we were able to have both of them learn good manners around each other.
Murrow and Debra then went on to learn the DOWN command as well as putting a little “pep in their step” when it comes to obedience. I call this DON’T BE SO BORING! It took a few tries for them both to get this, but they did. As always, I left the learning phase in there because it is critical for you to see that most dogs don’t just get it!
In the final phase of this lesson we focused on the leave it command. I always say, there are 3 things I want all dogs to know; COME, STAY and LEAVE IT!
There is one more section / lesson to this series that I will post shortly.
These lessons, where you get to experience a whole lesson and everything that goes on during the lesson, is so valuable for both dog owners who are trying to work with their dogs as well as professional & aspiring dog trainers who are learning how to structure a lesson.