I was asked to meet with Edith and LOAF by a very good friend of mine Dr. J. She told me that Loaf has no issues when she has him, but for some reason Edith is having some issues with him biting people and being reactive to people and dogs.
We met and I saw some immediate things that concerned me. As you’ll see in this video, he is reactive and very stubborn, as is pretty normal for this breed. He barks a lot, postures a lot and bites occasionally. You’ll see in this video, he even tried to bite me. Go figure!
Well, we set some ground rules, put some training into place and there was a pretty big turn around for both Edith and LOAF. Now, I gotta say that Edith and her husband are super nice people and really are working hard to make this work. After this session we did another one a week later. I’ll post that one coming up, but for now the lessons in this video will give you a good idea how I structure the training for a very reactive and stubborn dog.
Keywords for this lesson: bully, aggression, biting dog, dog aggression, dog bite, reactivity, dog training, long line