Tug is one of the most engaging games to play with your dog. Done properly it’s the most fun your dog will have, but it must be structured and it must be taught. In this lesson I work with Harold and Rio. You may remember them from previous “Join the Lesson” videos.
Harold has been doing a great job with Rio as you can see in the beginning part of this video. I was really impressed how far he’s brought Rio along and the game of tug is something that has helped motivate Rio to do more. In this lesson we talk about basic obedience, corrections, structure, dealing with a high drive dog and correcting some of the issues Harold was having with Rio’s tug game. Simple fixes, as you will see.
If you want to play tug with your dog, there are a couple of important things to know: your dog must have the prey and fight drive to play tug and you must know the proper dance to do it! I address the latter in this lesson.
Tug is a Dance Between Man and Dog!
Keywords for this Lesson
tug, building drive, tugging, fixing the grip, building confidence, bit, tug of war, how to play tug