The words we use to communicate with our dogs are CRITICAL.  In the last couple of weeks I’ve done several “in-person” trainings for our Join the Lesson videos and have noticed a consistent lack of clear understanding how to deliver our commands and how the right words to choose.

It’s no secret, I’ve talked about it for years.  The 3 words I use are


And the delivery / intonation of those words is most important.  So, I put the lesson I had planned for this week on hold and went and shot this lecture for all of you to watch and possibly review, if you believe you’ve heard it before.  NOTHING will make sense to your dog if he isn’t clear on your communication.

Now, you can use three different words: Banana – Car and – Boogle…  It doesn’t matter, but it MUST be consistent.  It’s easiest to use the three I teach, because if you’re watching my videos, you can directly apply it.  that being said, do as you like, but BE CONSISTENT!

This lesson will clearly spell out, the words, their intonation, their delivery… and as a bonus, I talk again about the delivery of the correction, NO and the physical cue and its timing.

I know a lot of the lessons are important, but this is at the bedrock of communication, it’s critical.  PLEASE take this one to heart!

Your Choice of Words and Delivery is Critical to Clear Communication

Keywords for this Lesson

lecture, commands, basics, obedience, communication, beginner, basic obedience, talking dog

Not Enrolled

Lesson Includes

  • 1 Video Lesson