Member Questions 2-1-25

Jerneja K

Hi, my name is Jerneja, I come from Slovenia and I am a new member here.  You are the first person who was able to explain dog behavior to me in a comprehensible way and what kind of relationship I need to build with my dog, thank you for that. I have a 4-and-a-half-year-old black and tan coonhound, who has not liked driving since she was little. At first she barked in the car, I fixed that with an anti-barking collar. But she is still whining in the car and I can’t calm her down while driving. I’ve also tried the e-collar, ignoring her, giving her treats, nothing works. What can I do? 

Peter S

My wife and I have a 5mo male Dutch Shepherd that we’ve owned since he was 8 weeks old. I have a great relationship with this dog. However; the dog only tolerates my wife and has become increasingly aggressive towered her over the past couple of weeks to the point that the dog will jump and nip her when my wife walks the dog on our property. The forgoing doesn’t occur when the three of us walk together and I control the leash. My wife has become scared of the dog. Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Gene G

Working with 1yr old male Doberman at shelter. Have worked on leash reactivity and meet & greets with other shelter dogs. 2 Grt Pyrenees, females, massive pit female and Anatolian Shp male (mine). He walks well with the other dogs, treats with them and is fine next to them in the large open outside cages. However, he lets the other dogs come in for a butt sniff while holding him but when he goes in he nips or sometimes while walking he goes in for a nip. The dogs don’t react they just look at him like he is a jerk and move on. So wondering if he is trying to play and has no manners.


Hello, Robert!

How long does it take to teach loose leash walking? Should the dog walk on a relaxed leash on command? Or is it a skill like not jumping on people, not picking things up from the ground, and so on?

I’m continuing to train my Malinois, Jack, in loose leash walking. Made some small progress over the past week with long line. Thanks for your response!

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