Kenneth S
I have a 7 month old cane corso, since she was little she has had the problem that when a person comes close to pet her she starts to growl loudly, we have tried several different techniques to work on that but we have not been successful, she continues the same. We just moved from our house to a new house and since we arrived she has not wanted to eat like she did before. We have been on your subscription for about 3 months, she knows how to do the basic commands like sit, down, stay.
John A
Hey Robert ,I’m 18 years old and i live in Clearwater Florida, I picked up my Malinois when he was 9 weeks old and he is now 14 weeks, he has been socializing with a lot of other dogs and people. I have him learning hand commands like “sit” and “down”. My question is what should I be doing with him throughout the day and what commands should I get him familiar with? I love watching your training videos they are very helpful!
Sincere thanks for your contribution to the world of dog training. Since I’ve been following you, my bond with my dog has improved a lot. We’ve made progress in recall, walking on a loose leash, and obedience. Thank you. I bought her a prong collar because she was completely insensitive to
corrections, the collar is great and she responds to corrections very well. But sill, at some point I would like to switch to a flat or a martingale collar. Is this even possible? How and when can I do it? Thank you.
Sarah V
My husband and I will hopefully getting a BM puppy this summer (this last one fizzled, mom lost 2 and has 2 live girls, so hope this summer). With two of us, can both of us be working with the puppy or should just think to one person in the beginning and how far into training would suggest I start working with the puppy?