Member Questions 4-20-24


Not a question I just wanted to say that I have been with you since 2019 and love what you have created here! It is a great resource for handlers and trainers alike. Shortly after I got my puppy (very high drive) COVID hit and I was unable to continue my training so I went down the “it’s your choice” rabbit hole and immediately said well, this is BS. I was unable to attend classes or do any socialization during a crucial time. I continue to use your methods with my own dogs and in my classes.

Heidi M

Hi Robert, I working on leash reactivity. I have just returned from a wall where I was passing 2 dogs on leads, I had almost gotten past them with no barking or lunging which is a big achievement…when one of the 2 dogs I was passing started lunging and barking at my dog, which of course set her off. My question is, whilst we are working on our reactivity should I correct my dog for her response in this scenario. Thank you in advance

Tommy A

Hello to you and your family I hope you all are good. I have started working on recall with a whistle. The whistle I have is not the silent type who are so high in tone that

only animals can pick it up. Do you think the work I put in with this whistle will complicate getting her to understand a higher pitch whistle, I don’t think so but would like your opinion. I want to transfer to the high pitch/silent type, maybe get her to obey 2 or 3 commands.

Adrian G

Hi Robert, I have a family member who, in my opinion, failed her first dog by bringing in another dog without establishing a relationship. This lead to their first dog resource guarding them. This also lead to their first biting one of them. They have no plans of separating these dogs and want to work to manage this behavior. Ill be assisting with this training. I just wanted some advice. I need to first make sure both dogs have structure and I think the most important thing is to build a good relationship between both dogs. Thank you.


My female GSD pulls very hard on the leash, especially when she sees cats on the road. I tried a slip lead and a choke chain but I can’t even get her to back off and take a look at me, even for a second. She is 100% focused on her ‘prey’.

How exactly do I correct her when she pulls hard on the leash?

She is very stubborn and energetic at the same time.

Dawne R

We have a small dog next door that our own dog barks at and chases through the fence consistently and we can’t seem to get him to stop until he is completely exhausted. Do you have any tips or tricks to help us with getting his focus redirected? We have tried treats and that only works some of the time. Best case we would like our dog to ignore the dog next door. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Kushal S

How do I address aggression towards kids and dominance displayed towards guests by our Mini Poodle? Leo is soon 2yr old. We got him from a breeder. He has been around our children his entire life, but exposure to other children has been limited due to pandemic. He now attends obedience class and I train him daily. He has always been friendly with other dogs, both at the park and elsewhere. Leo exhibits uncertainty and tries to assert dominance around neighborhood children or guests. He has nipped our

kids few times for resource guarding of space and kids toys. Does he not see me as a leader?

Neil B

Sometimes when I am out with my dog I want to stop and have a conversation with a friend I meet. When that happens, my dog remains focused on me, staring and waiting. He seems a tad intense, and sometimes he gets territorial and will bark at some one approach into our little circle. Though I am happy he focuses on me — I did teach him to do that — I would also like to teach him that sometimes he can just be at ease and relax. This is only an issue when I stop and chat. He definitely has no trouble being at ease and sniffing around once we start moving again. Thanks for your help!

Daniel M

Hi, we have a GSD Pup working line. We got her just before XMas do puppy classes didn’t run and she was raised on a Farm in a stables before 8 weeks. She is extremely reactive to dogs and pulls and barks non stop. I have tried advise from your videos with a slip lead and let her go to the end of the line and then say no and correct her, it seems to have no effect and she just carries on. Without no dogs around she heels OK and walk generally fine. It’s like she possessed. Any advise on what to try, when she heel she focuses us but if a dog come around she just pulls/barks (not aggressive).

Ailene V

Hi Robert, would you please do a video on how to stop my dogs from going barking and driving me nuts whenever I open the front door. They all feed off of each other and I can’t get them to quiet down. Any tips, advice on how I can train them to quit this annoying behavior? Thank you

John P

Hello Robert, I just joined with a yearly submission, I think your one of the better trainers online I have seen. My wife and I added a Catahoula to the family, picked her up and July of 2023 she is 9 months now and FULL of energy, great dog, an intelligent dog, loveable dog, but Lyda is a crazy teen ager now, the dynamics of my family or,

I work offshore 14/14, my wife is home with her and Lyda does not mine my wife like she does me, no aggression nothing like that but runs at kids or families walking by the house wanting to play. As you know dogs, Catahoula’s are 55lb muscles, ?


Hi Robert, I’m teaching my dog leash pressure using a choke collar. Im giving light pressure to teach him move towards the pressure to turn it off and rewarding the movement. What is the next step in the process? Going outside and doing walking turns? Should I try to catch him not paying attention and turn or do I give him a heads up when I’m going to turn? I want to be fair in using this. Could you talking me through the steps and process of using the choke so that I teach it to him correctly? Thank you!

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