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  • Gene

    September 29, 2021 at 12:45 PM in reply to: Moving from luring with treats to commands

    Thanks, I never would have “thunk” it.

  • Gene

    September 27, 2021 at 4:03 PM in reply to: Moving from luring with treats to commands

    Wow! I was just wondering for my own info if these puppies are bred from other service dogs so they know they have the temperament and smarts to succeed and how does that work? Do they work with them for a short time and return to mother or they bring the whole crew out for awhile? Why do they start so early?

  • Gene

    September 26, 2021 at 3:06 PM in reply to: Moving from luring with treats to commands

    There are a few, type in fading rewards a couple of videos will come up. For now you want to lure and shape for about 6 months, then you can add the command in at 6-9 months. He is already doing this but what he does for you in the house is different from what he will do in the backyard and different from what he will do in the backyard as opposed to a park. With luring and shaping you are teaching the pup how to learn. He gets muscle memory, whenever he gets into the desired position he gets a treat. It is good down, good sit etc but I am not asking for it. I am not correcting him at 9 weeks just rewarding for the position. From 6-9 months I will add the command, you are still using rewards. You want to “hardwire” the pup now to think that you always have treats. At 9 o 12 months I will give the command and expect to be obeyed but he will still be rewarded with praise, toy, treat after he has performed what I asked.

    I might be a little off on my explanation, but for now you are way ahead of schedule. RELAX. Two other vids Robert with the Dwayno Meter when he is about 9/10 weeks. In the lesson section Frequently Asked Questions About Training, I think.

  • Gene

    September 25, 2021 at 8:40 AM in reply to: How to integrate a new puppy into your home with existing dogs

    Not too much to add here, just make sure that the new pup knows that he is the low member of the pack for the time being. When in their crates he is the last to be let out, if you feed them together his bowl goes down last, giving treats he gets his last. When the dogs are on the furniture he is not aloud for a few days or let him up for a short time then off, etc. etc.

  • Gene

    September 16, 2021 at 4:05 PM in reply to: Malinois puppy

    So that is what this breed does. At this age you want to be careful with corrections because he does not understand what he is being corrected for, he is probably trying to initiate play and he may start thinking that you are the fun police. At this age most of the “training” I think should still be luring and shaping. An actual training session should be 10/15 minutes 3/4 times a day, that is about it for puppies. I will reward for doing what I ask(at this point I am not demanding) and lure and shape him to do what I want as opposed to a correction.

    As for the recall sometimes you are between a rock and a hard place as they say. He has done what you asked, then when he does he is corrected. Sometimes you have to wait them out. I would invest in a nice thick pair of gardening gloves and when he grabs on to something get your fingers in there, no correction, no interaction, just wait. At some point he will become bored and release When he calms down THEN you put him in the crate, if you put him in the crate when he is riled up or frustrated that just adds to the frustration because now he is confined. The crate is always good place

  • Gene

    September 2, 2021 at 2:55 PM in reply to: Puppy peeing

    I am assuming you didn’t get this dog from a breeder from the way it acts.

    Many shelter dogs or gotten from somewhere else have had little interaction with humans or bad experience, also they are not accustomed to having a leash on so leave it on under supervision. The part of peeing just as you go to take her out may be what they call submissive elimination, she/he is telling you “I am harmless, please be nice.” This is not a reflection on you this is from not being socialized. Try this tomorrow. No talking, get down to her level so you don’t have to reach over and pick her up and bring her outside. The talking can be a trigger because it can raise the excitement. I wouldn’t put the leash on until outside if you have a fenced yard as it just takes longer to get her out. This might take awhile but it should just become routine. Hand feed, this will build trust. Praise the dog, give treat for peeing outside. Also Cosco has a big sale on paper towels.

  • Gene

    September 1, 2021 at 8:51 AM in reply to: I’m failing my Belgian Malinois rescue .. 911 Please help!

    You didn’t indicate how old he is. This site is filled with puppy stuff. There is an organization called the Malinois K9 Association which you might consider joining. They may be able to set you up with a reputable trainer. They also have info and training tools relating to the Mali. Stick with it. No crying. Wish you the best.

  • Gene

    August 30, 2021 at 5:16 PM in reply to: Cane corso protective behaviour?

    Dogs can pick a favorite in the family but they must realize that they are low on the totem pole so in your case #3. I would start now to have your partner become the main caregiver for a time. Feeding, treats, when you are on a walk together your partner will be in control of the leash. Also if you are using a crate I would show affection to your partner while he is in the crate, this indicates the pecking order. Have your partner release him from the crate. Also when the dog is acting out you make the correction not your partner for a time. So for now all good things come from your partner the vast majority of the time. Sometimes you may notice that the dog may sit on your feet and lean on you, this is not aloud in your case, nudge him off of you. In many cases the dog is letting whomever whether dog or human that this is mine.

  • Gene

    September 15, 2021 at 5:02 AM in reply to: Articles/Findings on Puppy Socialization

    I don’t think so, google them.

  • Gene

    September 2, 2021 at 8:28 AM in reply to: I’m failing my Belgian Malinois rescue .. 911 Please help!

    I get “Hmmm… can’t find page,” has been this way for awhile

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