The Focused Heel is one of the most impressive of obedience exercises.  It is used in all dog obedience sports such as AKC, IPO /IGP Schutzhund as well as the Ring Sports.  It looks very simple, but it’s not!  It takes a long time to build a good focused heel.

In this online dog training lesson I’ll break down the basics of the focused heel.  I’ve taught it before, but it is ALWAYS a good idea to revisit training exercises from a fresh perspective.  There are a few other parts to this lesson, such as some corrective tools as well as a version using the e-collar for corrections.  I will post them in the near future.  For now, spend some time learning this portion, it will come in very handy for the following lessons…

Building a good focused heel requires a good relationship with your dog and a trust.  Your dog is required to look at you, not where he or she is going.  This requires a connection and blind trust.  As I said, it takes a long time to build this exercise so let’s get started with training.

The bowl I’m using is this one – click here.

This is a long video lesson, almost 30 minutes and it will take you a long time to perfect – so be patient!

Focused Heel is one of the most impressive Obedience Exercises!

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Lesson Includes

  • 1 Video Lesson