I’ve taught the game of tug to dogs of all ages from young puppies to adult dogs. I can assure you that you’ll get a clearer, better experience from a dog that you teach and develop from a young puppy on.
There are so many bad habits that can pop up in dogs when you are unsure of how they were taught to handle the game of tug, the outing of the tug and the overall interaction with the person playing the game. It can be a lot of pressure and that pressure can be negative on a dog.
I taught Duane, our young Labrador Retriever, the game of tug when he was just about 9 weeks old. In this video I’ll show you that early footage and then show you how to do the same with your dog. Even if your dog is older, there are still some really great tips to teach you how to develop the tug game and how to solve some basic problems such as: not biting the center of the tug, re-gripping, not outing, not enough drive for the tug and several more.
I’ll also show you how well he has developed in the game, how I use it to reward him, to get him in an out of drive and how I differentiate the outing of a tug versus the outing of a retrieve object such as a bumper, doken, etc.
This is an awesome online dog training lesson on one of my very favorite games to play with dogs. Tug builds a solid relationship and is a great tool as reward in dog training.
I know you’re gonna LOVE this lesson!