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Cane corso protective behaviour?
Cane corso protective behaviour?
My male corso, Kovu, is now 11 months and so far he has shown to be a well balanced dog. Just hoping to get some discussion about a behaviour he displays. If my partner is close to me and PRETENDS to hit me or even if he is messing around tickling/ply fighting etc. Kovu will bark/growl at him and nudge his head on him or even put both his front paws up on him. When it is the other way round Kovu does not react. I know you can expect protective behaviour from a corso but just wondering why it is only me he steps in for as both me and my partner have trained him and spend equal time with him. Is it normal for dogs to be more protective of females? Me and my partner run a Jiu Jitsu academy and therefore from a very young age he was exposed to us grappling with each other and other people.
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