Lesson Suggestions for Robert

  • Lesson Suggestions for Robert

    Posted by Alin on April 1, 2021 at 6:08 AM

    Hello everyone.

    Wanted to start a forum post where members can suggest lessons that Robert hasn’t covered yet on the website.

    Please use this forum post to offer those suggestions I can keep track and have a list.

    Here is what I have so far based on what I see being asked in the community.

    • Resource Guarding
    • When to use a Prong Collar, Normal Collar or E-Collar and Why.
    • Dog Parks – Why I Don’t Like Them


    Donna replied 1 month ago 17 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Jglski

    April 9, 2021 at 7:10 PM


    How about a video on correction by the scruff of the neck? Robert mentions this way of correcting a few times in his videos.

    I have never tried this type of correction because I am not quite sure what the reaction might be:

    1. Is it just a grab or is it a pull?

    2. Does it matter where I grab? E.g. is the grab/pull a correction enough or do we grab the neck as high as possible to point the dog’s head slightly different direction?

    3. How does this correction affects my relationship with a dog? I can’t shake off the feeling that the dog might associate my hand with negative stimulus. I do not want my dog to be afraid when I try to reward him with a pat on the head.

    4. Is there a better/worse situation to correct the dog with the grab? E.g. if the dog is in high energy state or maybe reactive to other dogs, I might get bitten by the dog by an accident.



  • John

    April 11, 2021 at 4:32 PM

    Hello, could you teach us how to make a dog point at something (“where is your touch” kind of pointing in the video you did with jimmy or goofy for example). I want to teach my dog scent discrimination for fun, but i want her pointing at object instead of fetching it.

  • Jglski

    April 14, 2021 at 5:50 PM


    would it be possible to have a lesson on managing dogs playing with each other? E.g. Robert’s dogs playing and his commentary what to look for not to let the play to escalate.

    Would be great to connect that lesson with dogs’ body language.

    • vwbc

      July 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM

      I agree! A lesson on dogs playing would be very helpful and might cover situations where 3?several? dogs must live in a home with existing dog(s) for extended period of time on short notice. In most of the cases I can think of, the dogs might be somewhat familiar with each other as other family members might be called upon for care as opposed to boarding at a kennel.

      – a lengthy family illness

      – people move and unable to take their dog(s) for a time

      – someone goes on extended holiday where dogs aren’t welcome

      – change of employment that requires long hours away from home

  • Riggan

    April 16, 2021 at 3:16 PM

    Socialization is always a good topic to address. There are so many aspects to it:

    * COVID pups who are now a year old – how to intro them to the world

    * What IS socialization? So many owners think it means letting as many people and dogs as possible handle or play with your dog.

    * Signs to look for that you are putting too much pressure on the dog. More is not necessarily better. How much is enough?

    * Ideas on ways / places to safely socialize dogs

    * Socializing a rescue dog who did not receive proper socialization as a pup

    * Keeping your dog safe while socializing

    These are just a few ideas on issues Robert could talk about that would help a lot of people and dogs.

  • Gareth

    April 18, 2021 at 2:31 AM

    Hi Alin

    Would it be possible to get some information on training a dog for tracking?

    I know Robert has done scent detection training but I am keen on getting into tracking. Even if Robert could point me in the direction of a good resource to learn about this discipline.

    Gareth (from Australia)

    • Alin

      April 19, 2021 at 6:54 AM

      I’ll add the question to tomorrow AMA video for members. That way more people can hear or even search the answer in the future.

    • Gaia

      October 18, 2021 at 7:14 PM

      i am training my labrador retriever to track and recover whitetail deer. She is blood and scent tracking. I just posted a ??? for Robert about some pullingissues but would gladly discuss some things i have learned here in the states.

      • Gerard

        December 4, 2021 at 1:46 PM

        A friend of mine in southern Maine just lost a beautiful buck . He went back and spent all day looking and could not find it !

  • shielah

    May 9, 2021 at 2:20 PM

    I need resource guarding…I am the resource and that is a BIG problem. He wants to guard me even from my husband and other dog and I cannot get ahold of him if he starts an attack , I am tired of being on guard bc he is on guard for me. 11 mon Old Neutered Aussie. Need HELP ASAP Please!

    • Alin

      May 9, 2021 at 4:06 PM


      Send in a member question and you have an answer on Tuesdays video. The AMA form is at the bottom of this page – https://robertcabral.com/member-dashboard/

      A resource guarding lesson is in the pipeline for this month.

      Members Dashboard

    • Riggan

      May 10, 2021 at 7:23 AM


      Robert did a Resource Guarding video lecture on April 9 where he addresses your situation specifically as well as food or location guarding. It is at https://robertcabral.com/courses/resource-guarding/. If you have some specific questions, be sure to ask Robert using the AMA (Ask Me Anything) form at the bottom of the Members page. You can also get input here, but Robert is always the expert, especially with such serious issues that carry risk of injury to people or the dog. Good luck working through this issue with your dog.

      Resource Guarding

      • Alin

        May 10, 2021 at 12:28 PM

        How did I forget we literally just put that lesson up!

        Thanks Riggan.

    • Donna

      August 13, 2024 at 6:58 PM

      I have the same issue and have watched the video below many times. I feel like a training video specifically focusing on how to correct a dog who is inappropriately protective would be extremely helpful. I have a 3-year old high-drive male mal who is neutral on-leash when walking past people and dogs and very easy to train. He receives loads of exercise and I am the one who is consistent with him and trains him. He adores all 5 of us in our family. However, if my teenage son arrives when I am in the room, the dog will run around, growling and try to nip him. He adores my son and will go to him for affection otherwise. I do not think the dog is protective around me because I am a weak handler, as described. I think it is the relationship between the two of them. How can I correct him (the dog) so that he behaves appropriately around other people without training the other people? (teenage boy we are talking about here!)

  • Beth

    May 11, 2021 at 1:57 PM

    Hi! Just wanted to suggest a lesson on boundary training. Hopefully a large/ long boundary preferred. It is time to begin training our 16 month old GSD to be able to go out to our farm for walks around the field and I do not want him to go near the road or the neighbour’s chicken pen. Hoping to make the boundary a good distance from the chicken pen so as not to peak his interest too much.

  • Ed

    June 27, 2021 at 2:23 PM

    Topic: Teaching dogs language concepts (“words”)

    There is a project with about 3,000 participants that is tracking people’s attempt to teach dogs, cats, horses and other animals to use buttons to communicate http://www.theycantalk.org and how.theycantalk.org — the most advanced dogs have access to 90+ buttons and use a good portion of those. You may have seen some of the accounts on Instagram, YT, TikTok. Once the dogs takes off, the communication seems to go well beyond requests and needs, and dogs combining words to form new meanings (“poop play” = fart) and ask interesting questions (“where mom poop?”)

    It would be great to get some tips on how to teach/model basic concepts/words that can be done in a training session, as opposed to based on the dog’s needs (e.g. pressing the button every time the dog goes potty, has a meal, needs bowl refilled with water). The needs-based modeling often presents only a few opportunities to model, and the dog’s owner may not be focused enough to take advantage of those, leading to very few events being modelled.

    There is a correlation between the number of times buttons are modelled and the usage of those buttons.

    So being able to have training sessions with your dog for specific words/concepts would be pretty cool.


  • Josephine

    June 29, 2021 at 6:18 AM

    I would love to hear Robert’s opinion on how to recover (both dog and handler) after bouncing from different training approaches that may have the dog (and handler!) confused. Fresh start? Reteach some and keep some as-is? Adding structure after the dog has been given free range before?


  • Ed

    September 21, 2021 at 8:25 AM

    Topic suggestion for a podcast: “How to be a good dog owner”.

    Perhaps with portions on raising and living with softer and harder dogs, as well as realistic expectations on puppy behavior, etc. Thanks!!

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