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I volunteer at our local shelter and need advice on how to help adoptions
I volunteer at our local shelter and need advice on how to help adoptions
Sorry about the length of post.
Our county shelter is open intake and does not accept surrenders, only strays and Dogs seized. They have about 45 kennels which are always full, sometimes even extra kennel banks in a hallway. The county refuses to hire more staff, and there’s usually only about 1-3 people there able to work Dogs while also cleaning kennels, doing paperwork, and other various duties. The city blew the budget on frivolous things so now we have no budget or support available and the place is falling apart. Due to the blown budget no more staff are on the way, they are not even hiring. We have a small handful of loyal volunteers but they can only come so often. Donations are rare because people like the local Force Free, closed intake shelter so much more, who rarely will help us.
They stopped allowing people into the adoption kennel area due to Covid. Now because of lack of staff, the design of the kennels allowing hands inside, and other reasons, they still won’t allow people to walk through the adoption kennel area anymore. I offered to help with adoptions or to attend the kennels certain days, but changing anything goes agonizingly slow there.
From what I know very few Dogs are actually getting adopted. Many have been there weeks or months on end. Rescues pull some, but it tends to be only calmer easy adoptables who have only been there a couple days anyway. We can handle them fine! We desperately need help with our kennel stressed Dogs.
I want to help, and it benefits me as I love to train and work the Dogs, I used to help train new volunteers at another facility as well and would like to continue.
In the meantime though it’s breaking my heart to see these previously calmer, happy Dogs now spinning, barking, painting the kennels and themselves in poop, and pulling volunteers like a freight train to the pens while choking and gagging.
I’m trying my best so far by helping with playgroups so more Dogs can get out at once. The downside is the staff don’t correct the group very well and we have so many headstrong, completely unsocialized, un-neutered, large, Pits, Huskies, or Shepherds. So it goes about how you would expect. If we get a female in, she’s usually in heat, unspayed, or very fearful. I want to introduce some tools and techniques like the clatter stick, but due to the nature of some people, they may not accept any advice on corrections.
What can I, a broke ass volunteer in her early 20s do to help the most? I managed to get my schedule clear to volunteer three days a week, though it’s hard because I don’t personally have a car and rely on rides or the bus.
ANY advice is appreciated, especially ways to start learning to help or guide this system. People keep just telling me “Citys broke 🤷♀️”, “Vote for better politicians” or others have it worse.
I’m really enjoying the books “Selling Used Dogs” and “Desperate Dogs Determined Measures” so far! But figured I would ask for advice on this particular subject as well if anyone has it.
I just don’t want to give up.
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