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My 10 mo old GSD won’t listen to wife
My 10 mo old GSD won’t listen to wife
We have a 10 month old GSD that we received at 8 months. I’ve been training him and exercising him everyday since we got him and we have a trainer come once a week. He is super stubborn and loves to nibble (although at his size its more of a bite). He is very attached to me and now we’re trying to teach him to be independent. The issue is that when I leave he starts misbehaving by biting my wife and grabbing her personal items. When I do leave I make sure to leave my dog with a prong collar and leash on to allow my wife to control him but usually takes 30 mins to calm. She is at the point where she wants to take our dog to a 10-14 bootcamp but I wanted to get some suggestions first.
FYI, he’ll follow my orders (90%of the time now with a leash and about 50% of the time without a leash and when farther away) of heel, sit, down, stay, out
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