When we got Lance 6 months ago, he had no idea what a toy was, and wouldn’t put anything in his mouth, even bones, Kongs or chew items. With a lot of work, in the last few weeks he is actually starting to play! He’ll chase a tennis ball for a few throws, and is beginning to play with a stuffed raccoon toy that I have been using for Hide and Seek (find reinforced with food reward, but he is beginning to find the toy itself rewarding). We still aren’t to the point where I can try tug with him, but he is beginning to get the idea that a tennis ball / polar fleece rope toy that I made is fun to hold onto. Hopefully in another few months I’ll be able to tell you how much fun he has with tug! I really want to be able to use toys as a reward instead of just food. Plus it is so great to see him actually getting the idea that he can play and it is fun!