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10 wk old GSD showing signs of dominance, biting and food obsession
10 wk old GSD showing signs of dominance, biting and food obsession
Hello! We just signed up here after going through everything on the YouTube channel. We’ve got Dixie, a 10.5 week old GSD. We’re pretty sure she’s working line and not show line (we got her from a hobby breeder so we don’t know for 100% certainty), and she’s very high strung and displaying signs of dominance aggression when she doesn’t get her way. She actually took very well to her crate and we’re following the advice to keep her in there when we’re not engaging with her, and to put her away immediately when she starts acting out of control and refusing to listen or obey, which has begun to happen at the end of every exercise or training session. We’re having some issues with biting — actual, aggressive biting, not just mouthing and nipping — when we try to correct her. None of it appears to be fear-based; she just doesn’t like being told what to do, which is very concerning.
Another issue we’re having is that she’s overly fixated on food and treats. She screams and whines and carries on while my husband prepares her meals, and when training, if she thinks she’s done the thing to earn the treat but I correct or try to reset her (she’s very prone to anticipating commands and offering behaviors), she’ll lunge and grab at my hand or jump up and try to take it. She’s extremely bright and picked up on the basic commands right away, but over the last week she’s become less focused on learning and more fixated on getting the treat at all costs — which is usually what leads to the aggressive behavior that lands her back in the crate. She usually starts out well each session but quickly becomes impatient, loses focus and starts either grabbing for treats or attacking our hands and feet, refusing to listen or take no for an answer. Playtime also usually ends with her becoming out of control.
I should also mention that we’re not having any issues with resource guarding, despite her food obsession. Are these things she’s likely to outgrow with maturity, or should they be cause for concern?
We were also having a big problem with her trying to herd us both and attacking our shoes and ankles on walks, as well as trying to eat every leaf, twig, rock or acorn she found on the ground, but we recently got a Martingale collar and started working on “leave it” following the YouTube instruction. She’s already picking that up and our walks have improved immensely, so thank you for that, and thanks for any help and advice you can offer on these current problems.
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