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4 month old Malinois Puppy playing too aggressively.
4 month old Malinois Puppy playing too aggressively.
Hi! I have noticed my 4 month old puppy only likes to play aggressively with other dogs. At first I thought it was rough play but then I saw other puppies his age tend to stay away. Neck biting, pinning down, play fighting, growling, etc. I’ve also noticed he never playfully bows and I’m starting to think it may be too much, more on the aggressive side than just rough. How can I correct him while playing and how can I teach him to play nice to other dogs? I had issues with him playing too aggressively with me and being defiant, we have worked through it and it has improved but his behavior with other dogs makes me worry he is aggressive in general, any advise is really appreciated!! Thank you all!!
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