Crate training

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  • Crate training

    Posted by wesley on April 20, 2021 at 12:34 PM

    I have a 9 week old GSD that has been taught the crate is a safe, fun place to be. High value treats, lots of praise while inside crate. She is doing fantastic in it at night, but if I have to crate her to take my other dog out, or shower, or leave she absolute freaks out, will ignore high value treats and whine for quite some time. I also never open her crate when she is whining, only when she is calm and sitting. Any positive ways to get rid of this? I don’t want to resort to a bark collar or something negative while she is so young. Thanks in advance

    Ed replied 2 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Mailys

    July 17, 2021 at 1:59 AM

    Hi, I also have the same question. Our recently rescued 9 month old malinois is very comfortable in his crate as long as the door stays open. We have had him for 3 weeks and he is our perfect fit. Unfortunately, when we leave him in for any reason in his crate with the door closed, he cries until we get back (it has. been monitored through videos – it’s heartbreaking). How can we fix this? How can we teach him that we will always be coming back?

    Thank you in advance,

  • Rodger

    July 17, 2021 at 5:49 AM

    Hi Wesley,

    I am at the same point, with the same reactions from my GSD pup. Think of the pup as a 2 year old that is not getting his way (I know – its anthomorphic), but it makes it easier to remember it’s nothing you are doing wrong. I have noted that ALL good trainers – including Robert, emphasize PATIENCE, with the realization the pup will get it, but even with a smart dog like a GSD, it takes time. Keep doing what your doing is my suggestion, it sounds like you are really committed to making your pup the best dog possible. That is the key (In my opinion). Good Luck – hope to see a report on progress in few weeks.

  • HugosMama

    July 17, 2021 at 8:50 AM

    I would love some advice on this too. Hugo was doing very well with crate training until I accidentally shut the crate door on his tail 🙁 since then he won’t go into the crate at night (sleeps in a bed) & will only reluctantly go in in the day with HV treats. Every time I have to leave him in there he’s hysterical. Now I’m basically starting at the beginning but it’s not really working.

  • Bill

    July 28, 2021 at 10:45 AM

    If they are a little skittish about the crate, perhaps adding something scented to you inside the crate so that as the dog is in the crate, your scent is strong and present which may be just enough to make the crate a little more tolerable. You will need to “refresh” the scented item regularly/daily to keep the intensity high until it is no longer needed. Just a thought.

  • Ed

    July 28, 2021 at 5:59 PM

    Somewhat unrelated. With a new pup coming soon we are reminiscing when our older dogs themselves were pups, and I just found out that my dog walker would throw handfuls of cookies in the crate when putting my dogs back in. Hmmm, that’s why… 😂

    • Stella

      August 2, 2021 at 7:05 PM

      Lol. That is exactly how I got my pup to go in her crate! Throw a piece of kibble in and in she would go … Now 7 months I just say “go your crate” and she goes in , but does still expect a piece of kibble to follow! I also still feed her meals in her crate which I think helps with positive association.

  • Martin

    August 2, 2021 at 6:30 PM

    Something that worked for me was (and of course it works better with the puppy) I would have two crates, one by his play area and one near our bedroom. We would sit with him until he was dozing off and as he was dozing off we would slowly bring him into his crate and shut the door once he was asleep. Adding calming music and a blanket over the crate helps. You can also try putting a kong in and then leave (hide around the corner or shut the door as if you left to go to work or shopping) and then JUST as he is about to finish the kong come back and let him out. I also had to change my entire in-door routine. We never play tug or chase in the house, I give a lot of praise and rewards when he is calm and laying down and looking at me. I would toss a treat down the hall a couple of times to get him to run. We also did a lot of research and found these amazing chew treats “Earth Animal No hide”.

  • Alwyn

    March 31, 2022 at 11:01 AM

    I have doubts along the same lines. 12 week old BM. During the day very comfortable with the crate next to me while working. Mostly the same at night while we are having dinner. Tonight though he is going crazy in the crate. Checked all – potty, water etc. But he has been crying now for an hour with the same intensity. What is the next step?

    • James

      March 31, 2022 at 12:18 PM

      My girl is 12 weeks yesterday and daily indoor crate has been a nightmare. Yelping and such.

      So, I took everything out of the indoor crate and put her outside for four days making much of going IN the crate (excitement, luring, treat, and non-destructible toy). After the fourth day she stopped yelping and howling.

      For the last three days, I have been able to get her to go into the crate when I open the door, then she lays down expecting a treat (a piece of dog food). I am going to try her again at night but if she yelps and such I will have to put her back outside/garage so we can sleep.

      BTW, I know this isn’t any advice, but maybe it will be some encouragement. They do get it.

      • James

        March 31, 2022 at 12:19 PM

        And as for the sudden erratic behavior, we had the same issue last night with Rosa. She just decided she wanted to be rough and I could not get her calm. So, I leashed her, put her in my lap, and let her gnaw on a chew toy for a bit. She finally calmed down.

    • Ed

      March 31, 2022 at 1:00 PM

      Everything being equal you have to outlast them. No eye contact, no looking in the general direction of the crate, no interaction whatsoever. If anyone in the family has a propensity to break these rules they cannot stay in the same room as the crate or in view of the crate. Is it possible that someone let the puppy out, or looked at her, or looked in the direction of the crate when she was crying? I always try to keep the puppy crated in the same room as I was, day or night, preferably in close proximity. I never had problems with separation anxiety, not sure why. All my dogs are pretty chill when I leave. In some AMA’s Robert has suggested to throw a blanket over the crate.

  • Ed

    April 2, 2022 at 6:34 AM

    Robert just put out a great answer to crate questions, 2nd or 3rd in this video

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