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Getting puppy to be calm around cat
Getting puppy to be calm around cat
We have an 11 week old GSD pup, Neo. His basic obedience is coming along great. My issue is we have a 3 year old cat. The cat is quite confident and curious, she wants to come up and sniff the puppy and has no issues being in the same room as him. The problem arises when he gets a little too playful. The puppy with play bow and bark at the cat which usually frightens her, she bolts off and the puppy tries to chase her.
Does anyone have any advice on teaching him to be calm around her?
So far I’ve been putting the puppy in a down and calling the cat over and having them share treats. Even if the cat’s piece of chicken falls in front of Neo he won’t touch it and waits for his own. My logic is to teach him that good things happen when he is calm around her. If I catch him staring at the cat I’ll redirect to either myself or ask for a sit/down/place to avoid chasing. If in the rare case he does try to chase her, he gets a firm “no” and a time out.
Is there anything else I should be doing?
I should mention that the cat has multiple safe rooms, high perches and a cat tower but if we’re in the living room with the puppy, she’ll jump the baby gate and want to hang out. She’s a bit clingy so wherever we are, she is.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
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