How much to expect from 3 month old pup when loose leash training

  • How much to expect from 3 month old pup when loose leash training

    Posted by Bailey on March 24, 2021 at 4:13 AM

    Hi Everyone,

    its great to be part of this platform.

    I have a 3 month old dobermann, who is easily distracted outdoors, how much engagement should i expect from him during loose leash walks? and therefore how much correction should i be applying?

    <div>Many of the videos i see here are with older and larger dogs with longer attention span, so the level of expectation from Robert seem appropriate e.g. correction for every distraction during leash training, and the final result is a dog fully engaged with Robert. is this too much to expect from 3 month old pup?

    Bailey replied 3 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Natty

    March 27, 2021 at 8:10 AM

    Hi Bailey ~

    I’m not sure if anyone has responded to you yet, but want to take a moment to do so. I ask the same question to myself about my dog in many areas. He is a large breed so I think I should get his bad manors in check before he is too large, especially leash /walking and jumping; yet he is a puppy. It’s a constant reassessment of where we are now and where we are going. My pup will be 5 month this April. Ive had him 3 mths now. This has been my approach to walks and so far so good. He is a puppy and I want him to build confidence and enjoy walks, play, training and most of all me – yet no matter the age or situation I remember what Robert said: his first and only job really – is to “listen to me”. Minding my command is the number 1 rule no matter the situation. So even though we walk a little loosely in these puppy months and he can sniff, walk which ever side of me and zig zag back and forth – I’ve been keeping him on his toes with reminders that I am his number one focus and the pack leader – where I go he must follow. For example if his drive is locked in on a smell or simply lost in leisurely sniffing daze – i introduce the number one rule. I reengage him to me – call his name, whistle “here” or “come” – correction if needed. I treat his reengagement. I randomly change directions, sometime a complete 180* This is especially important if he starts to pull or lead me. (I give him an indicator word as i change or turn before he feels the correction, like “here” or “by me”.) I’ll even stop mid stride at moments and as he reaches the end of his line i call him back to me. It is also a good time to work on “leave it”, then change direction. This sporadic walk of sniffing and then reengaging is our walk for now. Yes, we have puppies and it is an exciting world – I let my pup sniff and enjoy discovering the nuances of the world just as i lay a foundation of “leave it go and focus on me” – do as i say “heel” or “wait” etc. What I take away from what I hear Robert saying, is that now is the time to build trust with “you” as the pack leader. When he is older walks will be walks, right now class is in session and each lesson is a building block for the next. This said keep in mind, because it is a lesson – you may want to keep walk short like training time is 10 – 15 minutes. Stay positive – following your lead is the best decision he ever make. With all new things – I like to throw in a command he has already Aced and reward. This keeps his confidence up and his anxiety low. Lately, I have been introducing the expectation of walking at my side even if its a 1/2 of block then break – Just like anything else (sit or stay) I manage the duration a little at a time so he stays engaged with the new expectation/command.

    However I apologize for the length of this response – I hope I have been of some help and in some way answered you question. Best wishes to Bailey!


    • Bailey

      April 5, 2021 at 1:05 AM

      Thanks for the detailed reply. this is quiet spot on.

      We went to a professional trainer to seek more advise, and the advise was more or less the same as the replies i have gotten here.

      So far, Bailey is 14 weeks old, I am able to loose leash walk with him for 15 minutes around the block. no pulling, or losing attention, I can stop, change direction or give him commands without any problems, so we are very proud of the progress.

      Albeit this is during morning/quiet hours with not many distractions, his behaviors when other dogs are around is another topic which I will post a question again separately.

      Thanks again for the response.

  • Zvonimir

    March 29, 2021 at 9:58 PM

    Young dog = small expectations.

    At 3 months, the dog is still a baby. Literally a toddler in human terms. If it’s going to help you, using a corresponding “dog age —> human age” table puts dogs behaviour and our expectations in some sort of realism; what “realistically” can we expect from puppies?

    Doberman 3 months = human child at 3 years

    Doberman 6 months = human child at 6 years

    Doberman at 12 months = human kid at 12 years

    Doberman at 16 months = human kid at 12 years too

    Doberman at 2 years = human ‘kid’ at 19 years.

    In the next few months, set up a good strategy for future training of whatever kind training you desire. But in the meantime, toilet and crate train your puppy, socialise your puppy as best as you can – take the puppy with you EVERYWHERE, to see all sorts of NEW things and situations. Build up his experience with new objects, animals, people, sounds, environments, etc.

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