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Malinois puppy
Malinois puppy
Hi, I was hoping someone here could help me with a mal problem :). I tried searching but couldn’t find a similar problem. My boy is 15 weeks so still quite mouthy. He knows his basic sit, down, place, and we are working on stay. He is EXTREMELY food motivated. My problem (I think) is the food motivation. When working on recall he comes at me and starts biting hard and ripping at my treat pouch and coat trying to get more. He will actually hang from my jacket. I tried popping on his collar to get him to stop but it doesn’t even phase him. I’m not quite sure how to handle this. When he does this, I struggle but I am able to get him into his kennel to calm down. So I’m wondering if anyone has had these issues and if putting him right into the crate is the right way to handle this?
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