This group is dedicated to sharing tips for making it through the puppy stage. This can include:... View more
New puppy coming into a 1 year old dog home.
New puppy coming into a 1 year old dog home.
We will be bringing a new puppy (Female Dachshund) home in a month and have a 1 year old dog………..
Current dog is a 14 month old male Malinois. He is great with other dogs out in public and at our home. Regardless of new dogs or strange one he is very relaxed. When we brought him home at 8 weeks we had a 3 year old female Dachshund who he spent about 6 months with. We lost her due to a unforeseen health condition. I think he will do fine but wanted to get some advice.
What we’ve done to get ready. We have meet the puppy and took a blanket with us. We wrapped the puppy in it and played tug and spent about 2 hours. I then brought that blanket home and gave it to our boy. He sniffed it and took the blanket and cuddled with it and gave it a good sniffing for about 15 minutes. I then placed that blanket in a small kennel next to his and closed the door. It’s been two weeks and still there. We are giving that blanket back to the new puppy and going to let them keep it. The day before homecoming I am going to repeat the process.
The day of. My wife will pick up the puppy and meet at at the park where we meet our dog friends. ( Not a dog park, but a regular park where he use to seeing both friends and other dogs). Some times he gets to play and run with them other times he doesn’t. Then we will head home in separate vehicles and re meet in the yard. I then will take him in the house and kennel him. Then bring puppy in and on leash show him around. Then let older dog out and carefully allow them to interact and adjust.
Any advice and suggestions?
Picture of the two before we lost Nicki ;(
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