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New to the ADVENTURE: Simple Practical Advise Needed – 10 Wk F Mal
New to the ADVENTURE: Simple Practical Advise Needed – 10 Wk F Mal
I selected a Malinois pup that we picked up yesterday, her name is Rosa. She’s very active, attentive, and submissive. We’ve had her for about 18 hours and I’ve already started luring with treats and using a retractable lead for potty. (We live in town on a 2-acre lot)
My questions may be in the course materials and/or discussions already, so forgive me if I am opening a repeat. Feel free to point me to the resource. My background with dogs: I have trained common obedience and sport hunting dogs since I was 16 off and on (now 48). Mostly retrievers. I did successfully train a rescue Pit Bull 8 years ago who mingled with my bird dogs and was the best retriever of the bunch. 🙂 This is all done in the context of family pets and for non-competitive hunting. Most of all, our dogs have always been loving additions to the household, working, and doing as we do.
With all my prior dogs now aged on to the afterlife, we’ve been looking to secure a dog that can be active as well as protective. So with the BM.
My questions:
1- My pup has been the last 10 weeks with 6 other adult dogs and 12 pups. She is going through separation anxiety I’m certain, so I want to spend time with her and let my adult kids and my 8-year-old play with her. Should I make them play with her according to the training or just enjoy the dog in these first few days/weeks? I don’t want to stifle her drive but I also don’t want her to have anxiety. The reason I feel this is that when I go to put her back in the crate, she is not interested in any food, she just lays back her ears and starts licking at me in a way of submission. So, there is a sense in which the crate (very large and open) is bad to her.
2- Is it OK to allow the pup to play with toys without training/working? Chew on ropes in crate? etc.?
3- How often and much should I feed this breed? Labs and Goldens eat until they die, so… not certain at her age.
4- To the crate: We use a large metal 42″ crate that for now is in our garage and will be relocated inside. When the dog is trained, it will sleep on an elevated bed. Until then, she has to remain in the crate when not directly supervised. My question – is this an appropriate plan or ….. just looking for advice.
5- How often does the dog need interaction? 3-5 times per day? I don’t want to stifle her and I know these questions seem silly, but I am honestly seeking to do what is right.Thanks in advance.
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