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Submitted this question for AMA, but also wanted to submit here for further discussion and opinions.
Have a 6mo hound mix that has been with me for almost a month. He is currently 45 pounds and I’ve been using a martingale collar with a long line/4 ft line while inside. He is doing well with basic commands. We have cats that live inside and hide most of the day. They typically hide under the couch and he is very “interested?” In them. He will stick his entire head under the couch to smell them and they inevitably hiss and sometimes try to scratch him. When we noticed this behavior, we kept them separated and would correct when he would try to look under the couch. Yesterday he was able to complete a 10 minute training session with one of the cats sitting just a few feet away. It was incredible. He did not focus on the cat or become reactive until one of the cats began hissing. At that time he began lunging and barking, so I ended the session.
Due to his quickness and the quick reflexes of the cats, he has been scratched but never with any injury and it doesn’t seem to deter him- only amps him up.
Our neighbor has a 3 yo male hound mix that is let outside off leash but is separated from my yard w a chain link fence. Even if the dog is just walking around, my dog immediately becomes reactive and starts lunging/ barking.
At first I thought this was play behavior but he does not act this way towards people when he wants to play with them, and I worry it is aggression. He was a stray at one time and could have been attacked or something before living with me.
Sorry for the long winded story but my question for all this behavior is should I introduce a prong collar or E collar to train this reactive behavior? Would it just create more of an adverse reaction to cats or dogs? Any input would be great. Thanks
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