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Recommended Exercise Schedule
Recommended Exercise Schedule
I have a 13 week old Mal female and am looking for feedback regarding her exercise routine.
Presently she gets 3 structured exercise sessions a day:
– 20 to 30 min walk first thing in the morning
– 10 minutes of lure chasing or ball drive building on the grass in the afternoon
– 20 to 30 min walk in the evening
We do a little bit of extra play like tug with me or play wrestle with our 6 y/o Boxer, but nothing too intense else I crate. I also never push her — if she should slow down or lay down on a walk, I will carry her home. I am also careful not to let her climb stairs, jump on on or off surfaces, or run on concrete.
Despite the caution, am I possibly doing too much for her age?
Thanks for your time!
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