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7 month old Mal keeping toy away from me
7 month old Mal keeping toy away from me
Hi all! I have a 7 month old mal and we are training for SAR. I have a problem where she will keep a toy or a stick or something she finds of value away from me. This happens almost any time she is off-leash and she will ignore the recall which is otherwise very good. I have tried motivating her to come to me with food, high value treats, her favorite toys and she seems to ignore everything in that moment. I have never scolded her or given her a reason to play keep away (at least knowingly), also never chased her so she would make a game from it. This has been a problem since she was 3 months old and I would really like to solve it as it makes her really unreliable off leash and also when doing SAR training where I need her to bring the toy to me. Any tips and tricks are appreciated. 🙂
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