If you missed part one of my conversation with Larry Krohn, be sure to watch it here:
In this candid and in-depth conversation we sit down for day 2 of talking about dogs, dog training, life, sorrow, happiness, struggles and so much more. Everything you probably never want to know about me and Larry Krohn will be contained in this podcast. The first episode we did together was a huge hit, so I think you’re gonna love this chat.
Larry and I have been friends over the years, but only in these last two podcasts got a chance to sit down and chat about what we’ve done. It was a moment of kindred spirits and I think you’ll agree once you watch this. Enjoy!
Check out Larry’s YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/lklencho
His website: http://pakmasters.com
Founder of RobertCabral.com and Bound Angels
Dedicated to making the world a better place for dogs and their people.
Real Members – Real Success
happy dogs and owners