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  • Tommy

    January 2, 2024 at 4:17 PM in reply to: Walking 2 dogs at once

    I have walked my husky’s on my left side regardless of the number.

    I think it’s more natural, training them one by one on the left side and then putting them together on the left.

    It made it easier to command them to pull uphill and Walk behind me down hill.

  • Tommy

    October 29, 2021 at 9:45 AM in reply to: Gun Dogs

    Pekka and me is not going to do any tests on the matter, I don’t know if a mixed breed dog is allowed to participate.

    I hav only used him to retrieve predatory birds like nutcracker and that kind of thing.

    The plan is to do more duck hunting and let Pekka do the dryland work and my friend’s Springer spaniel the water retrieving.

    Badger and Martes martes ( I don’t know the English word) is something we will try this autumn and winter

    Hi is intrested in big game to, but I only hunt roe deer.

    It is only allowed to use dog’s with a shoulder height of maximum 16.14 inches, if the dog is perusing the roe deer, Pekka is at list 1.5 times the size.

    I can use him if I keep him in a longline and only use him for tracing and locating the roe deer.

    Hi is also perfectly legal for moose hunting but there is no plans for that.

  • Tommy

    October 13, 2021 at 10:04 AM in reply to: When a dog knows better

    Hei Melvin

    Think how important this instinct and abilitys have been to people back when we lived in caves an had to deal with danger all the time

  • Tommy

    October 5, 2021 at 10:27 PM in reply to: I’m failing my Belgian Malinois rescue .. 911 Please help!

    Hi Claudia

    You say you ar a small person, I don’t think you should put too much into this.

    I think it is more about how you think of your self.

    I am also pretty small 5,5 (165cm) newer been a problem with dogs.

    a woman I know is a bit smaller than you, she and her husband have about 45 high drive sleddogs and they absolutely respect her.

    The only problem with being a small sized person in regards to dog’s is if you think it is.

    It will affect the way you act and dog’s sense this.

    I don’t first and foremost see myself as Tommy the small person, I focus more on Tommy the pack leader.

    Just convince yourself you are the boss of the entaier world and try to think that ofcourse he is going to listen to you

    I hope this gives you one less thing to worry about

  • Tommy

    October 2, 2021 at 12:21 PM in reply to: My dog favorite songs…

    Rage against the machine.

    I Won’t do what you tell me

  • Tommy

    October 1, 2021 at 9:46 PM in reply to: Where to get bones?

    I often get bones from the local big game hunters

  • Tommy

    September 29, 2021 at 11:27 PM in reply to: Is there such a thing as a non-aggressive dog?

    I think every normal dog has agression in them.

    My” work ” with dogs has mainly been with large groups of dogs. This has been very pack oriented dogs.

    Following these dogs from birth to adulthood(2 maybe 3 litters every year)

    The dogs I have been around have been living and working as a pack with very high dog too dog contact. Huskys are very pack oriented.

    We sometimes had about 30 dog’s running free in te dog yard and 20 more dogs tied up in the same yard

    I have seen agression in many forms and many levels and from many reasons. I have seen dog’s with high levels of restraint on their agression and dogs that have shown diplomatic ability.

    None of this dogs have been totally agression free. A dog totally agression free would be a dysfunctional dog I think, just like a dog without any control of the agression would be dysfunctional.

    I don’t think the dogs or the human mind is capable of being without agression, I think it would remove a important safety valve for frustration and other bad feelings. I also think it is a very important survival tool.

    I have over the years been blessed with some fantastic pack leaders, second in command,my trusted helpers all of them brave dog’s with a good mix of agression and restraint

    I don’t think there is a dog totally free of agression, whiteout it being a defect

  • Tommy

    January 22, 2022 at 5:04 PM in reply to: NO KILL Shelters does not mean no Euthanasia

    Takoda this must be taking a toll on you

    ( I have experience with something similar)

    Dead dogs don’t suffer anymore and they can’t do harm to anyone. this is a very hard and cruel thing to say but with limited resources it is a reality. You just can’t help everyone and have to focus on the right ones.

    I am sure There are many really good dogs I the system and it would be a very sad thing to put down 1 or more of this dogs to try to save one “bad” dog just to find out you have to put him/her down anyway.

    What if a dog got adopted and then seriously hurt someone

    I know I would not have what it takes to do what you do for a long period of time

  • Tommy

    October 28, 2021 at 7:11 AM in reply to: Gun Dogs

    I think it would be interesting to read about it, I don’t have any typical gun dogs.

    My dog’s are sleddogs, Alaskan huskys.

    My pack leader Pekka Is the closest to a gun dog I own, hi is some times whit me on hunting trips I will try to bring him more often this year.

  • Tommy

    October 12, 2021 at 11:41 AM in reply to: When a dog knows better

    I already respected him a lot and I did know that Kyrre was a smart dog but I just wasn’t humble enough.

    You can be sure I will remember that episode for as long as I live.

    What makes this so shameful too me is that I already had enough experience to know better I just let pride and stupidity get the better of me.

    Kyrre was with me for several years after this as a sleddog, hunting dog and back packing dog, and ofcourse a excellent friend.

    His son Charlie is still with me and I can see a lot of Kyrre in him.

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