Forum Replies Created

  • Lee

    March 28, 2021 at 11:19 AM in reply to: Complete temper tantrum in the crate


    She is doing great in her crate in the house. It was persistence and a treat tossed in ahead of her EVERY time and a little “HEY” said loudly as needed. In the car it was not great. Think a lot of that was car sickness though. I needed more cargo area/less huge crate in my van so I removed the crate and I’m transitioning her to a seatbelt harness. That’s another challenge like the crate. She wants to sit next to the Great Pyr on the van floor. Difference is—he stays there. She’s nosey and wants to nudge up next to my arm on the console. Harness is taking some work and its gonna be a couple weeks at least till she gets the hang of it. Stick with the crate. Small dogs are harder from what I know. Stay strong!!