Her Life’s Mission “Save as Many Police Dogs From Dying as Possible” – EP.69

Police dogs, often called k9s face danger in the line of duty almost every day. Many departments don’t have the funds to buy protective vests for their canine officers. Meet Sandy Marcal of Vested Interest in K9s, a non-profit that donates, FREE of charge, protective vests to police departments across the USA. To date VIK9S has donated over 4000 protective vests saving countless dog’s lives.

This is a great conversation about police k9s, the jobs they do to protect us and how we can help make their lives safer and better.

Check out Vested Interest in K9’s website and consider donating to their amazing mission at: https://www.vik9s.org/

Thank you Sandy and VIK9S for the AMAZING work you do to help protect our Police K9s!!!

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