The SEAL TEAM SIX DOG that took down Osama Bin Laden – Will Chesney and Cairo – EP.87

If you were to make a list of hero dogs of all time, I’m pretty sure Cairo, the Belgian Malinois on the Osama Bin Laden Raid would be at the top of that list. Well, I got a chance to sit down and chat with Cairo’s handler, Will Chesney a US Navy SEAL.

We talked about so many things including how they first met, their training that ominous and heroic night as well as so much more. Nothing held back. Will is an awesome guy who really loves dogs and loves to share Cairo’s story. But Will. opened up about some personal tragedies that he has experienced since that event. How he has dealt with his injuries, both physical and emotional and how he healed – and how dogs were a big part of that journey.

Hearing about Will’s journey was deeply emotional, funny at times, but life changing. If you haven’t yet done so, pick up a copy of his amazing book, “NO ORDINARY DOG.”

Will’s journey is amazing, and his dedication to Cairo, until his last day is a story you’ll never forget. I think you’ll love this podcast and love this hero!

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