Member Questions 6-28-22

Ronda L

Robert and Janet: I just re-upped my yearly subscription for 3rd time. Since joining, I haven’t missed an AMA, live chat, lesson, or podcast. I rarely ask questions as most of mine are answered via those vehicles. Just wanted you to know some of us quiet ones are always here though we seem invisible. Thank you for the work you do. It is a labor of love and it shows. With deep gratitude…cheers to another year! 

PS: I really enjoy the energy both of you bring to the AMA, It’s nice and easy.


Hi Robert, Big fan from Belgium (home country of this beautiful breed).  But what do you do with the dog the rest of the time? Besides training & exercising the dog, what do you do with it? Does it stay in the crate? Should we let it walk around the house? How does a regular day – besides the training – look like? 

One other question: Would a rescue be okay for some1 w/o prior experience? We would work w a trainer regardless, but wondering about your opinion on taking rescue over new pup. Thanks

 Grace P

Hey Janet & Robert, I have a 1.5yo rescue mal mix. He’s great with people and kids, & very confident, but reactive towards dogs. I’m crating him around other dogs, but I’m not sure what success in this looks like. What should I be looking for? How do I know when he’s ready to be around other dogs? In the second video I think he becomes aggressive when the neutral dog approaches his bone.

Francine C

We live in Costa Rica and we have a 7-year-old Malinois named Louis. We are looking for another. The only Malinois breeder we have been able to find in CR is Van Dromen. Before we start our visits to breeders we would like to know if this is a reliable breeder and if you would know of other reliable breeders in CR or ways for us to find out about more. Thank you.

Shawn U

I’ve seen you say in multiple videos that the 2.25mm prong is fine even for “large” dogs. Would you still recommend that gauge for a Great Dane with about a 20 inch neck at 130lbs? She’s well trained on leash now (thank you very much!) so I’m not worried about needing the collar strength. The concern is getting a good fit high up on the neck. Her neck is between link sizes unfortunately. I’m looking at the Keeper collar as well because of the adjustable feature on them. Thanks!

Madison H

Hi Robert! I have a 10 week old Mal I just adopted. Most days of the week I work from home and she can stay out of her crate most of the day but 2 days a week I have to commute ~80 minutes to and from work. She is crated during this time, and I hired someone from the wag app to let her out for an hour in the middle of the day. But even with this, she is still in a crate for a lot of the day. Should I look into dog daycare once she is old enough, or stick with the hour break? Thank you!

Pierre-Yves C

Hello Janet & Robert, I do the best I can for my ‘mini-malinois’ a 2 yr old 35lb female, 80% Mal 20% Austr Cattle Dog. 100% Mal but for the small size. I would like to feed home made raw as you do, but do not have the time or knowledge. Have used Visionary, also Dr Marty’s Freeze Dried Raw, she loves both. Dr Marty seems closest to your raw approach, Visionary also excellent. Which would you use if not doing your own? Understand yr not a vet, just your personal opinion plse. Cost secondary. Thanks

Brock C

Hey Robert, I have a male intact French bulldog who likes to boss my other small dog around, for instance if my other dog wants to go lay on her bed, my bulldog will walk in front of her and stand between her and the bed not allowing her to get on it. It’s just small passive aggressive things like this that I would like to correct but not sure if I just give normal corrections when he does those things or is there a different way to go about it? Thanks for all that you do.



I’m trying to mirror your technique on teaching my DS puppy down and luring by holding larger snacks in between the fingers. The issue is that my puppy moves more aggressively than the dogs is see on your videos (like Siggy). When luring, I have to move my hands much faster or he will bite the treat and my hand with it. When teaching down, he takes larger more aggressive bites than he does when I feed him by hand other wise. how may I adjust this technique? Thanks in advance.


May have already answered. Apologies if so. My 1 yo hound/lab does not understand not to jump on me while I’m seated or walk on top of me on the couch. He has busted my lips jumping over me while playing and scratched my eye. It is more of an issue for my significant other with health issues. Is this just him being a puppy? How do I train manners without making being near me a bad thing? Thank you!

 Loretta P

Hi, I have a 5 month old lab, that eats as if he has never been fed before and will never be fed again. He is from a litter of 9. How can I get him to slow down?


Great video on play! 2 questions: 1) You said you wanted to see if they were responding to cut-off signals, and they were. Could you talk more about what the cut-off signals you are looking for include? 2) If you have them playing with no collar or leash, how do you correct / gain control if they do not respond to “Come”? Lance’s best friend is WAY too pushy, so I won’t let them play now, but would like to be able to do so. Thanks!

Steve W

Hi Robert! Picking up 2 8wk old Mal pups and driving with them over the course of 2 days to bring ’em home. Do you recommend 2 small crates or keep ’em together in one larger crate? Thanks, Robert – I appreciate you!


Hi Robert,  I am having trouble asserting dominance with my dog. He doesn’t seem to understand “no” or when I scold him when he is in trouble. Even when I try to use a stern voice, look at him, and say “No” or “Bad” his tail keeps wagging and thinks I’m playing…However, when my friend (experienced dog owner) does the same thing, he listens. How do I establish authority? Doesn’t seem like it comes naturally to me. 

Thanks, Emma

Lois H

Hello Janet and Robert, Our AZ temperature have been in triple digits for a few weeks. I brush GSD Maggie once or twice a day with a Furminator and recently an undercoat rake. She loves it. I get a ton of hair and wonder if this is too aggressive and if I may be removing a layer of hair that would actually be protecting her from the heat.


Hi Rober Hi Janet. I started an Obedience training with my Mal Tobby because I remembered that You said obedience is core of IGP. The obedience trainer uses click, and positive only training. He said I can not shout at the dog, pick him or pull up the leash. He also forbids me to use prob collar, e collar. My house gate opens to a street where bus and cars go by. How am I going to teach Tobby not to run out now?


Some Bullmastiff owners and breeders have the opinion that Bullmastiffs are too “sensitive” for e-collars. My 8-month-old Bullmastiff, Otto, is polite when we’re out and about, even with children, but when my grandchildren visit, I’m having difficulty controlling him even with a prong. He’s using his head & paws to demand their attention, and occasionally even his mouth (gently). My Grandchildren visit for weeks at a time. Do you have an opinion on e-collar training for a Bullmastiff?


Hi Robert, I adopted a 7 month old lab and have been trying to leave him in a crate when I leave (1 hour at a time). He goes crazy. He already broke 2 crates (one transportation and a metal crate). When we are home he is an angel. What can I do? shall I keep training him in his crate? Size of crate? I feed him in the crate and train him to go to his crate for treats. Not sure what else to do. I am working from home and will be back in August. Anything I should do? Really need go get him ready.


My 13 month old English Shepherd has become terrorized at anything tape or paper. Very fast attack like aggressiveness if I use packing tape, or more recently if I even reach for a piece of paper. Also skittish & aggressive with plugging I anything to the wall that will make noise, ie; razor, air compressor, electric drill, etc. Please help.

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