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Our past Dogs
This old lady is Cantie (Sierra’s High Desert Kyla) my first Belgian sheepdog back in 1989. She was an education for me. We worked hard at obedience and she got her CD, we learned tracking together, she could do an agility course, and I would have gone further with her if she hadn’t gotten Epilepsy. A disease that 18% (at one time) of Belgian Sheepdogs get. She lived a good full life to the age of 16.5 years.
Loupe. 1991-2001
My sweetest, kindest, and softest boy Belgian Sheepdog. He did not grow up with small children, but he became a big teddy bear to any child who wanted to hug him, and he enjoyed it. This photo breaks my heart. I was saying good bye in this moment. It’s one of the only digital photos I have of him.
He looks so sweet. Good thing that you still managed to get such a nice pic on that last, sad day.
Came across this pic today of our dog when I was a teenager. She was a good one. It made me smile. We got her when she was 4 from a family we knew that lived in town and just didn’t think they should keep her with their small yard and baby on the way. Sam (Samantha) came out to the farm and our original dog Cleo (also GSD) showed her the ropes. One of the first things she did was find and kill a little bitty black mouse that she sniffed out under a board. She didn’t eat it, thankfully, but tossed it around quite a bit. She loved hunting and she was so fast that she could catch the odd rabbit here and there. She and Cleo would corner racoons in the barn and my dad would make sure to take care of it before the racoon hurt them. They were excellent farm dogs and fantastic pets. They were not aggressive toward any people, though they did bark at strangers. Two GSD coming at you barking is enough to scare off the correct people most of the time. They were all bark and no bite, but we would not have wanted it any other way. wish I had a pic of Cleo, I used to sit with her as a child and tell her all my thoughts and she would look at me intently and I swore that she understood everything I said.
Hi all,
It has now been a year and 3 months ago, but still, when I see pictures of Chester, I keep having to remind me that he’s gone now, even when he still looks so lively in his pictures.
Chester was a Rottweiler Labrador cross, and a real sweetheart. Always he was following me around, and when I wasn’t at home, I’m told he was always waiting for me. He was my first dog to have and to train, and after the puppycourse I just kept on training him myself. Only 7 years later did we start Agility and Obedience, and kept doing that untill he was 13. He may not have been the fastest or most eager dog (compared to the border collies), but we always enjoyed working together. The last few years I had to give up Agility since it was getting to hard on him, but we kept up training obedience (just real low level stuff) until close to the end.At almost 15 years old, Chester became diabetic, and we did not find out that that was what was bothering him untill it had already progressed quite far. We struggled to help him find back his energy so he could still stay with us for a while, but it could not be helped.
So well do I remember walking him those last months, slower and slower. He used to look up at me at those times, showing me that he wanted to, but simply could not go faster. It was okay, I was glad to adjust my pace to his now, after he had done the same for me all those many years. Even on that last day, when we went to the vet for a check-up (we did nót expect we’d be letting him go that day), he still followed me faithfully, even though he didn’t care for the vet at all.
It was so typical for him, to choose this moment. He was always such an easy and good dog, never troublesome, never asking for anything. He had never been a bother, and it seems like he was true to that to the last day. Like he felt that, while we were there at the vet’s office, that would be the easiest way and place for us to let him go.
While we were there, he suffered from a epilectic attack (first ever), and all the strength went out of him. Now he showed that he was in pain, he was done, did not want to go on. That’s when we decided to let him go, and the vet put him to sleep that same hour.
He died in my arms, my dear sweet lovely Chester, my soulmate for so so many years. How lucky were we, to have had him by our side for so many years. He was the best dog ever (aren’t they all?) and I still miss him. Luckily the pain of it has lessened by now, but he’ll always be with me, in my heart.
Stumbled upon this post while searching for something else and just had to chime in. Love this thread! Here’s my gorgeous mal/golden retriever mix, Zoe. She was our gorgeous girl that we had for almost 12 wonderful years. We lost her to hemangiosarcoma very suddenly in October 2016. She is forever missed!
I had to put my June Bug down the day after Mother’s day this year. She was my first dog. Black lab/collie mix. 11 years old. She had liver failure. I got her for free at a “chicken swap” which is a little event usually held at a hardware/feed store where folks can buy/trade small farm animals, tools, supplies, win prizes such as animal feed, etc. A woman had two pups and said they were 8 weeks old and “had to go”. The rest is history. She was my best buddy and bushcraft partner. She was also my hero, as she saved me and my 6 month old son from a charging bull moose. She got between us and the moose, (that was only 75 FEET AWAY!) jumping on his head (which was lowered for the charge) and chased him off snarling and snapping. I miss her so much.
It is hard for many to understand the deep sense of loss many of us feel when our dogs pass away. But here, in this membership, we all know how strong the bond is & can understand the grief. It’s the one downfall dogs have, they don’t live as long as our love for them does. These pictures are lovely & show us how magnificent June-bug was. Be grateful for the time you had & for the chance to love such an amazing creature. They say time heals all things. Give time some time. Take care.
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