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SHDs Success Stories
SHDs Success Stories
Those of us with “Second Hand Dogs” start from a different place than those who get puppies. Our dogs are not a clean slate. They come with not only the unique personality quirks that all dogs have, but also an often unknown past. Critical skills such as socialization that need to be acquired during the early months are often lacking. Trust has always to some extent been broken. Behaviors that might have been useful for survival in their past can be counter-productive when in a loving home. Each dog and situation is different, but the common denominator is that we need to celebrate small successes that may seem trivial to someone whose dog had a solid start in life. Please share your successes, big and small, with us here so we can all share in your excitement. Your success may also give the rest of us hope for a situation we may be struggling with for our dog. Looking forward to your stories!
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