Site Updates & Feedback

  • Jen

    March 29, 2021 at 11:19 AM

    Hi, @alin. What a great job on this site.

    When I see “you cannot reply to this discussion”, has it been closed due to date, or do I need to join that particular group?

    • Alin

      March 29, 2021 at 11:37 AM

      You have to join that particular group in order to reply. There are only 3 groups, so if you join all 3 then you will have no issues.

  • Anja

    April 8, 2021 at 9:22 AM

    Hi, @alin if there is any possibility it would be awsome if we could choose to get notifications on weekly AMA and new lessons update. Just a suggestion, thanks for all your work 👍👏

    • Alin

      April 8, 2021 at 3:21 PM

      We did test out sending an email once a week when the lessons would go up. Soon I will turn on the ability to send a direct notification to the groups. But I will probably go with the email option because most members who are frequent know that a new lesson is uploaded every Wednesday.

      In regards to the AMA notifications. This is done twice a week and a very small amount of members submit questions. I don’t want to spam all members else with notifications and/or emails about it since most members don’t use it.

      But I will look for some way to notify just the people who submit questions.

      This page also is updated with all the AMA questions as archived posts if you want to read through the questions to see what was answered in the videos.

      Ask Me Anything – Members

  • Daniel

    May 25, 2021 at 10:26 AM

    How can we find the most recent AMA videos?

    The member questions page looks like it was last updated on May 11th. I was hoping to find an up-to-date YouTube playlist for recent AMAs, but only found the legacy playlists.

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