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Collar Types for Soft 9 mth old Rescue
Collar Types for Soft 9 mth old Rescue
Hello! So glad to have found this site, and grateful to this community for all the time spent helping pups & owners.
We adopted a very sweet, submissive and SOOOOFT Mali/GDS pup about a month ago. We picked up Maeve from her foster home outside of Seattle when she was 8 mths. Her & her sister came to the Seattle area via a long route of foster homes and a transition kennel when a Texas backyard Mali breeder surrendered the unplanned litter of pups. She was crate trained and potty trained, but no other training or socialization to the big wide world (or intros with other dogs). EVERYTHING is like she’s seeing it for the first time, and highly suspicious/scared of whatever it is. BUT Maeve is an extremely loving dog & silly when she’s relaxed. She has already come so far since we’ve had her and we have LOADS of patience and empathy to allow her the space for a healthy adjustment to this busy place and us (she is still slow to warm up to alpha’esk husband). That being said, we also want to start the training when the timing is right, so she doesn’t learn bad habits in our home. Two part question:
1. What collar should we be using to walk Maeve. We started her with a harness because she was getting so freaked out on walks and not able to enjoy a treat or love yet for reassurance. I just did lots of reintroduction and desensitization during less busy times of the day. We’ve moved on to a Martingale collar since she is starting to be more comfortable and pulling more/prey drive kicking in/etc, BUT she still gets very scared of big trucks/buses etc, pulling backward and flying around in circles and I don’t want her to feel choked while scared.
2. When is the best time for a shy rescue Mali to receive heel training? I have only been working on loose leash training since Maeve was too nervous on walks to enjoy treats, and is only starting to now when she is relaxed (50% of the walk now). On walks I also work on the sit & wait commands when we cross roads, and we’re working on ‘leave it’ as the prey drive is picking up. Also very simple commands like sit, shake, laydown. She’s smart and picking them up quickly.
I have so many other questions, but will start new discussion about those. :)<div><div>
Thank you again, for being available and dedicating your time.
Heather & Maeve
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