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does not finish meal with hand feeding
does not finish meal with hand feeding
Hi Everyone 🙂
I have an almost 3 month old mini goldendoodle , i find with hand feeding and doing training that he is not able to concentrate for the full meal. He eats one piece of kibble at a time and the whole process is actually enjoyable for me and him..
My question is should i remove the remaining last 1/5th of the kibble from where his bowl would be or do i let him eat when he wants to ? He gets hangry… wow when he is hungry normally in the hour before meal time he is so mouth you almost and can play with him without standing up… once he eats a bit he then is fine. I have seen if he does not eat at set time it will effect the next meal time.
I live in an apartment so i try maintain a bit of calmness with respect to my neighbors who also have to work from home.
Maybe this is all normal and i should not over think stuff, he seems to tell me when he wants something.
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