Member Questions 11-28-23

Kelly G

I train for a midsize shelter. Owners relinquished a female GSD mix because of extreme stranger danger- lunging attempting to bite guests who came into the home. I’ve put solid obedience training on her, she now allows numerous volunteer dog walkers to handle her, she will walk calmly in a heel position with me through a crowd of strangers. I’ve taught her to “go to her place” when she hears the sound of someone knocking at a door. We have not been successful in adopting her out for well over a year, however, as she reverts to stranger danger when potential adopters come. Thoughts?

Cindy W

Dog eats everything on ground. How do I get this to stop?

Svetlana D

Dear Robert,

Thank you so much! Your training videos are very helpful. I rescued a pit/lab mix dog 3 months ago. She is about 10-12 months old. She is gentle with people. But she chased my 3 cats all over the house. She lunges at them when I have to walk her on the leash through the house. I kept her in the yard when the weather was good most of the time. Now, in the cold season, she has to spend a lot of time in the garage, as she cannot be left off leash in the house. Is it even possible to train her to be neutral around the cats? I walk her 1.5-2 hrs and train daily.

Lauren K

I’ve been reviewing human dietary studies suggesting that when and how often we eat can have dramatic outcomes on our overall health. I know similar studies with dogs show that dogs who eat once a day have better health outcomes than dogs who eat through out the day, but they don’t seem to address the best time of day for eating. When do you feed your dogs? And is the timing an arbitrary decision, or did you choose that time because it’s been shown to be biologically optimum? Thanks!



Is the ultimate goal of engagement training to get the dog to be always “checked in” with you when you’re outside of home? Or that he is allowed to “check out” and go into drive (sniff etc.) and you are able to call him and then he checks in again, no matter what situation? Thanks for the awesome content!


Hi, 3y GSD Ash, learning e-collar (Educator ET-400). I watched many videos and usually I can see the signals on the dog. Ash is stone face. No ear twitch, no lick, no mouth close, nothing. Sometimes I can see very slight muscle twitch on his chest (home at 6-7, outside 8-10). So on the days with „stone face” I assume those levels. Or should I go higher? Can you advice what to do with a stone face dog?


10 month old Intact male Golden Retriever that loves other dogs and loves to play. Generally a beta and never aggressive towards humans in any way. Growls/threatens and lunges at other playmates every time there is anything of “Value” It is getting worse. It does not matter the size or age of the dog and location doesn’t matter. He got into an actual fight with a frequent playmate. Today we were playing with a 3 year old Golden (Intact Male) at the other dog’s house with the other dog’s toys and the aggression was too much for the owner and the play date was cut short. What to do? Thanks


Hi Robert, my German Shepherd puppy is 7 month old, and he is reactive (barking and lunging) towards other dogs. I followed your method and corrected him at the end of 6 ft leash. After a couple of corrections, he does not lunge towards other dogs, but stays very close to me and barks at other dogs. When he is barking, he still pays attention to me and follows me when I make about turns. You said we should not correct dogs when they are stay close to us, so in this case, what should I do to stop him from barking?

Dave A

I now have a 6 month German Shepherd. Previous owner allowed the dog just to be herself, a dog. Myself, I’ve done the same in the past with other dogs. I don’t want this for her or myself. This is the first time for me to really train. After seeing several of your videos, you talk a lot about building a foundation for a new dog. In your opinion to build her foundation correctly, suggest to me the 1st thing I should show her that benefits her. In 1 week she’s learned sitting, she stays next to me when we walk even when I make a quick change of direction, and doesn’t pull on the leash.

Robert P

Hi. I’m having trouble with my border collie on walks where he gets reactive towards other dogs and people. Have tried pop on collar and walking opposite direction and trying to focus on me but to no avail. I think his engagement isn’t the best but trying not to put too much pressure on him as he’s still so young. Would you recommend any other techniques I could implement into training? Love your work and hope to have a dog as well trained as goofy!

Jill B

My almost seven month old English cream golden is still not housebroken. She goes outside on command and then will just pre or poop in the house no warning. Help!


Hi Robert, I’ve been trying to use the crate to socialize my dogs GSD & the other Pomeranian with each other (both intact males 2 yrs old), i wait for them to calm down then I take turns with them letting one out to play then the other, but there’s been no progress, they still get very excited to see each other, and try to pee on each other every time & they won’t respond to commands 😩, I don’t know if what I’m doing is right and what should be the next step? & when to start on the next step. I’ld highly appreciate your advice on how and what to do. Thank you


Our neighbors own x2 Pitt bulls, they don’t walk, train or exercise them that I’ve ever seen in 6 yrs, not blaming the breed but concerned about irresponsible ownership. I plan to train my vizsla in my back yard, but pitties get worked up so easily I’m worried they will scale the wall if motivations run high enough. We will extend the wall to 6.5f, I hope it will be enough to keep them out?

Christine G

Our Intact male 11.5 mos standard poodle (68 pds) dog has started to mark the furniture indoors when we visit another person’s home when they have an intact male dog, too. We adopted our dog when he was 8 mos old, so this is a new behavior that has occurred . Unfortunately, we have allowed him to mark when we are on trails, so we figured that this was a behavior we allowed and now it has become a problem. It is our understanding that large dogs should not be neutered until they are fully grown, which is 2 years old Thank you

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