ULTIMATE Puppy Series

Follow me along training Max and Siggy from DAY ONE through their training and development. This series includes every lesson in its complete form. Everything I teach in every lesson is contained in the video lessons below.


New Lessons are added Monthly to this series and will be updated on this page.

Siggy -

If you're training a high drive dog such as a German Shepherd, Malinois, Border Collie - a high energy breed, the lessons below will help you better understand how best to train and understand them.
1 Video Lesson

Siggy’s First Training Day – 9 Week Old Puppy

This is another lesson in the Puppy Series. In this lesson I introduce you to Siggy, a young Belgian Malinois…

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1 Video Lesson

Puppy Basics Teaching Heel, Name, Come, Place and MORE

Today’s lesson is day #2 of Siggy’s training>. Yossi and Siggy are staring out with a bang… lots of new…

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1 Video Lesson

Learning TUG & Meeting Other Dogs Siggy Day 3

As we continue our training with Siggy, I want to introduce TUG into the picture. Malinois are generally very apt…

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1 Video Lesson

Siggy Puppy Lesson 4 – Jumping – Tunnel – Engagement

As we continue on with our Ultimate Puppy Series with Siggy and Max, I’m excited for this lesson. Here you’ll…

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1 Video Lesson

Siggy Lesson 5 – Basics, Tug, Dogs and more

Welcome to day 5 with Siggy. As we continue on with the basics, we start to bring things together to…

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1 Video Lesson

Siggy Puppy Lesson #6 – Place, Engagement, Distractions & more

Siggy’s lessons continue and start to get a little more intensive. This is our 6th lesson over 6 weeks and…

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1 Video Lesson

Siggy Day 7 – Puppy Distractions + Focus

So this is Siggy’s 7th lesson and he’s about 16 weeks old here. I like to tell you this so…

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1 Video Lesson

Siggy Lesson 8 -Flirt Pole – Heeling – Retrieving

As we progress along, you’ll see I add more and more into each lesson. This is our 8th session /…

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1 Video Lesson

Lesson 9 with Siggy – Tug and Obedience with Distractions

Here we are at Lesson #9 for Siggy and he has come a long way. The biggest thing that I…

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1 Video Lesson

Siggy Lesson 10 – Fixing Small Issues and Having Fun

The Ultimate Training Series has so much to offer. There will be more content of Siggy than any of the…

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Max -

Low drive, low energy dogs such as Max can often times be a real challenge. They do as they want and may even seem stubborn in training. The approach will be different and their reaction to training will be different as well.
1 Video Lesson

Max’s First Training Day

This is a new series that I’m launching, The Puppy Series. I’ve invited two friends with puppies, about the same…

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1 Video Lesson

Max’s Puppy Lesson Day 2

As we follow Max, the Akita, along his training, today I bring to you lesson #2. This is exactly one…

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1 Video Lesson

Teaching Puppies to Learn – Max Day 3

As Max’s learning progresses, we start here with day 3. Joey has been doing really well at his homework as…

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1 Video Lesson

Puppy Basics (Heel, Recall, Distractions, etc)- Max Lesson 4

As we continue to follow Max and Joey along with their training, we see some progress and a few things…

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1 Video Lesson

Max Lesson 5 – Stay, Distractions, Down, Prong Intro

Here on day 5 I start adding several things to the lesson to keep it interesting for Max. We’ve introduced…

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1 Video Lesson

Max Lesson 6 – Fading Treats, Fair Corrections and more

Welcome back to our puppy series with Max the Akita. This is lesson 6 and today we’re going to touch…

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1 Video Lesson

Max Puppy Lesson 7 – Stay, Training Routine and Basics +

It’s been a little while since I updated the Ultimate Puppy Series, so let’s get back to it with Max.…

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1 Video Lesson

Puppy Engagement, Obedience & Distractions Max Day 8

This is Day 8 of Max’s puppy training. I hope you’re enjoying watching the progress of his training. As with…

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1 Video Lesson

Max Day 9 – Stay Under Distractions

One of the hardest things to teach a dog to do is to be calm when there are distractions. Here…

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Additional Lessons with Siggy

1 Video Lesson

Socializing Siggy in Town

We’ve been following Siggy (and Max) along for quite some time and I’m so pleased with the progress both of…

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1 Video Lesson

Proper Socialization with Siggy Day 2

I think that the video lessons on properly socializing your dog in town are among the most important ones I…

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1 Video Lesson

Competitive Obedience Basics with Siggy

This is a great lesson for those of you who want to take your relationship with your dog as well…

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Additional Lessons with Max

1 Video Lesson

Socializing a Dominant Reactive Dog in Public

This lesson is about as real world as it can get. Max is my good buddy, Joey’s Akita. We’ve been…

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1 Video Lesson

Akita Lunges and Attacks

Max is a handful and we’ve said that since he was a little puppy. You’ve followed him along in so…

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